Shipping Details

Last updated: 15 April 2021

Persian carpet is considered as one of the most popular handicrafts in Iran, which has many fans around the world and is on the list of goods exported outside Iran every year. Lux Crafts is able to send the carpets you bought to all over the world.  After you buy the carpet, your goods will be sent to your destination with proper packaging, quickly and with complete security. Since the shipping cost depends on the price value of the cargo and each carpet has its own value, we have tried to calculate the price of the products on the site with their shipping price. Therefore, we did not include the shipping cost in the shopping cart.

How long does it take for the goods to reach you?

After you buy from us, it will take a maximum of 2 working weeks for your cargo to move to its destination. Delivery time will vary depending on whether the shipment is by air or sea. You can contact us to track your product. Note that after sending carpets from Iran to other countries for clearance, the person or legal lawyer must go to the airport or customs and clear the goods.

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